I just want to thank you for the best AP Literature class I could have ever imagined. From Edna slinking off to the sea to Heathcliff bashing his head against a tree, you have exhibited the highest level of analysis, character connections, and poetical creativity imaginable. You have supported one another, you have supported me, and you have supported literature of all kinds: epic, Shakespeare, ode, elegy, Metamorphosis, frame, Romantic. The eleven of us made a superior team, almost akin to the 1992 Dream Team trouncing opponents from the Portland trials to the Barcelona Olympics.
Continue reading, finding the caesura that authors create to explore their themes, and writing with individualistic gusto. I will miss all of you!
Best wishes to Ben, David, Justin, Ashley, Cassie, Laura, Stacey, Chilton, Hannah, & Madi! (And don't bicker about the order or any patriarchal favoritism! I wrote down the names by your seating arrangement in class!)