Monday, October 26, 2015


A bit of a hodgepodge today -
1. Vocab Quiz 4. I am saving the Unit 5 words for the next quiz as it deals with Macbeth.
2. Multiple Choice Prose Passage. High score of 11/13. Remember, you want to score over 50% on the multiple choice to keep you on the path of a 3 or above.
3. A quick recap of Sonnet 130.
4. Sonnet 116 -- made famous, in my mind at least, as Marianne's love poem to Willoughby in Sense & Sensibility.

For homework, identify the iambic pentameter of your assigned line and lines 11-14. You should pay close attention to what words are stressed and how this connects to the overall theme of the poem.

And, I found this article regarding a St. Louis body snatching -- something we will find topical next semester with Frankenstein:

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