Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Macbeths

Today's words are flippant (no gestures please) and incongruous (which actually could work with flippant in a sentence).

Meanwhile, you had a verbal analysis today on 1.6 & 1.7. Impressive participants used direct evidence from the text, focused on poetical elements (alliteration, iambic pentameter), incorporated motifs and conflicts, and inserted psychoanalytical terms (go Chilton with her superego, id, and feminine gender symbolism).

At the end of class, you worked with a partner to create multiple choice questions for Macbeth. If you did not finish all ten, each partner should complete the activity on his or her own.

For Monday, read all of Act II and be prepared for more multiple choice and more analysis. Keep focusing on those minute details in the text!

In case you would like to enter your bunny in the Real Trix Rabbit competition: I hope you will not try to compete against my Monty.

While this Daily Michael Fassbender picture is not from Macbeth, I like to imagine this moment from 1.7 when Macbeth considers the murderous plan against the beloved house guest Duncan.

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