Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Psycho Motif Peer Edit Day

For half of the class, we spent quality time looking over the Macbeth essay. Make sure you are including psychoanalytic terms into your writing and the motif, writing in present tense and third person, constructing sound paragraphs with clear topic sentences and concluding sentences, incorporating evidence from the play, and ending with a memorable statement.

For the remainder of the class, we completed two multiple choice passages for a grade. If you were absent, you will need to make up those upon return.

Plan for the rest of the semester (gasp):
December 4 = Read 2 Carpe Diem Poems and analyze literary devices, themes, rhyme scheme, stanzas, and meters. We will also review all poetry elements.
December 7 = Poetry Test in which you will identify different forms of poetry, stanzas, and meter. I recommend going back to our opening packet to review.
December 8 = Timed Poetry Prompt. This will be for an AP grade and also provide you a sense of what you will need to study for the final.
December 9 - on = Metamorphosis. We will be analyzing a prose text for themes, characterization, and patterns.
December 16 Final = 1 Poetry Prompt (which will have 2 poems) and 1 Full MC Test.

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