Monday, April 11, 2016

Prose Prompt Results

Normally after this prompt, I break out the highlighters and review dual characterization and conflicts through close reading. However, every AP Lit writer reached Goal 2 or better, so I have a feeling that a little less review will be involved.


  • Utilize upper level literary devices (juxtaposition, epithet, anaphora, rhetorical questions, dialogue) and literary criticism terms (patriarchy, gender roles)
  • Bring in evidence from multiple points in the passage
  • Underline a book's title 
  • Spell dialogue correctly
1: 5 = 0 students
2: 6/7 = 4 students
3: 8 = 2 students
4: 9 = 4 students (AC, BK, HL, SP)

One more essay left to evaluate! Well, technically, three with AP Lang in the mix.

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