Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Last MC Test

We are 6 days away from the AP test!!!! To have one more practice under our belts, today's class was all about the MC component. You will have this back tomorrow so that you may check out any errors and review types of questions on the MC exam.

If you have not taken the poetry prompt, you need to schedule a time to take the prompt either after school or during a study hall. This prompt needs to be made up as soon as possible.

If you have not taken the MC exam, you will need to schedule a time to take the exam either after school or during a study hall.

Plot for the rest of the school year:

Friday - Prose prompt exam, after school session
Monday - After school cram session
Tuesday - After school session
Wednesday - Breakfast for AP Lit exam, AP Lit exam, Alternative Assessment exam during block hours
Thursday - Present your given chapter of Wuthering Heights for the class (Aaron - chapter 19; Cameron - chapter 20), watch some of the film
Friday - Free Response exam
Last Week - Finish Wuthering Heights & movie, discuss literature, do something or another to wrap up our class

Remember, we do not have class on Monday and Tuesday. If you want additional practices for your AP exam, come to the after school sessions to practice multiple choice, poetry passages, prose passages, free response passages, and terms.

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