Friday, September 1, 2017

She's Awakened

In both classes, we began unit 2 of vocabulary with the first 4 words.


2: We discussed prompt writing, essay structure, evidence incorporation, and all the ways to present a literary analysis in a prompt. Then, you received your prompts, filled out your brand new goal sheet, and started meeting with me to ask questions. We will finish these meetings on Tuesday, and then resume Edna's life, which you should know about through Chapter 22.

5: You finished up the small group discussion by sharing the motifs and literary elements in Chapters 9-11. Then, we started our individual close reading on the board to practice you ability of recognizing characterization clues, literary elements, and Chopin's techniques in advancing Edna's awakening. As we analyzed today, she has had a few stuttering steps along the way. We will have your prompts returned on Tuesday, and resume the close reading too.

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