Friday, October 20, 2017

Persona & Donne

2: We transitioned from Petrarch to Donne by looking at the poems on pg. 10 and identifying the persona (the character of the speaker) for each one. Then, we reviewed the biography and style notes regarding Donne to set up the reading of "The Flea." For homework, you have each been assigned 1 song and 1 sonnet to analyze and identify the persona.

Sky = Lecture Upon a Shadow; Sonnet III
Maddie  = The Paradox, Sonnet IV
Izzy = Good Morrow; Sonnet V
Jake = Woman's Constancy; Sonnet VI
Maggie= Anniversary; Sonnet X

5: We finished up our Petrarch presentations of his sonnets. Then, we looked at persona (the character of the speaker) on the pg. 10 poems in the packet. Next, we summarized the life and poetic style of Donne in order to make "The Flea" an entertaining spectacle - with hands. For homework, you will need to analyze and identify the persona of 1 song and 1 sonnet.

Bailee = Anniversary; Sonnet X
Katherine = Valediction Forbidding Mourning; Sonnet XVII
Nick = The Relic; Sonnet III

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