Friday, April 6, 2018

The Storytelling Path

To start the hour, we continued our sharing of free response thesis statements, examples, characters, lit elements, lens terms, and other related ideas. Once that was completed, we returned to our poetry prompt, Walcott's meandering journey to the storyteller and her influential role in continuing the storytelling tradition. In pairs, you attacked this poem to find the meaning, the lit elements, the high-end poetry techniques that make your essay scintillate like a new pair of Charlotte Olympia shoes (speaking of, did you vote for your favorite shoes today?). Then, you had your poetry prompt back and the overall score you achieved on this practice exam. We had a wide range of testing results from 1 - 5. Lots of highs and lots of lows, which means each of you needs to revise small errors, further attach the multiple choice passages, and take our review of poetry (the Romantics) and prose (Wuthering Heights) very seriously in order to bolster your overall score for the next practice exam and the actual exam on May 9.

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