Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Final & The Holiday Break

Seventh hour is currently in the midst of taking their final prompt and full MC test for this last class of AP Lit's first semester. Unlike the other two AP Lit hours, they have the pleasure of taking both parts together. For those remaining two classes, you have taken your poetry prompt portion and will now have the MC section for your next one. Since the MC is 60 minutes, that would mean we will have the last 15 to discuss what you will be up to during the holiday break.

*And before I forget, the Lear Psychoanalysis Essay is due by 12:30 p.m. on Friday as a a hard copy. Neglecting to turn this in this assignment will not help your overall grade, so make sure you leave me this present before heading off for any holiday plans.

The holiday break assignment is to read The Cherry Orchard and complete a book card for the second day we return from break.

Second semester will go something like this: review of the final, allusion posters, more MC, The Metamorphosis, The Canterbury Tales, Romanticism & Feminism, Wollstonecraft, Frankenstein, Romantic Poets & tones, Wuthering Heights, 2 full practice exams. (Plus shoe voting - I'll sneak that in somehow - even if I'm not here for the process!) As per usual, we will be over-analyzing all of the aforementioned texts to prep you for the exam in May. If you keep up with all of your terms and analytical skills from first semester, you should be ready for any piece of literature that comes across your path.

I hope you enjoy The Cherry Orchard, which has been classified as a drama and a comedy. I'm sure we will have an excellent debate on how this is a comedy and the Russian culture's role pervading the play.

Have an excellent break, rejuvenate yourself, be merry, and prepare yourself for 2019, the year of graduation!

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