Friday, January 11, 2019

The Cherry Orchard Assessment

We finished our discussion of The Cherry Orchard today, which means the last phase is focusing on characterization.

Your assignment:

1. You have one character from the play (absentee assignments below).
2. On a piece of construction paper (ideally) or typing paper, create a characterization web by completing the following steps:

  • Draw a circle in the middle of the page and write your assigned character's name in it.
  • Web 5 circles around the character name. In each of these circles, write an adjective describing this character (for Edmund in King Lear, we decided scornful, manipulative, bitter, confident, and ambitious - note that there is a mix of characterizations there).
  • For each adjective, list at least 2 examples of evidence from the text supporting this characterization. This may be directly quoted or paraphrased. In either circumstance, cite the information.
This the assessment for the text, so make sure you do your best and are ready to share on Monday.

Absentee Character Assignments: 

Vlada = Trofimov
Mia = Pishchik
Sigmund = Charlotta
Pohlman = Dunyasha

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