Tuesday, January 21, 2020

It Means a Lot!

After vocab today, second hour had the chance to share their allusion posters, and both hours were assigned the assessment for The Cherry Orchard: a character sketch for one of six characters in the play that forces you to identify 5 adjectives for them and find 2 textual examples (paraphrased or direct quotes) to support those adjectives. As with any prose text, you are on the hunt for round and dynamic characters to analyze!

And on fun memory tricks, what a great job with our plethora "it means a lot" punchline - not that I can deliver a punchline as sixth hour found out when I tried to mimic Jake's joke!

Lastly, don't forget our Scholar Quiz Trivia Night is this Friday if you and your friends are interested in a table!

Preview for tomorrow when a sub will be in the room (6th hour already has this info; 2nd hour there will be a handout on the board with this agenda):

Cherry Orchard Character Sketches
Have students find their “match” character from The Cherry Orchard and partner up to share their character sketches with each other.
The groups should then decide on the best 5 adjectives from both of their sketches. *If someone is absent, then the one person will share the work to the class.
Have each character group share their combines 5 adjectives – with one example of evidence and explanation for each.
Collect character sketches.
Return Cherry Orchard texts to bookshelf and have students cross off their names on the attached list.

The Metamorphosis Text & Preparations:
Have students grab a Metamorphosis text from the bookshelf and fill out name/barcode on a blank attached sheet. They should also write their name on the inside front cover. 
To prep for our reading and analysis, do light research on the author, Kafka, and be prepared to share your findings of his life and writings and what “Kafkaesque” means. This is for Thursday’s class. 
Read the first part of The Metamorphosis for Friday. Even if we have a snow day on Thursday, you are expected to have this ready to go for Friday. 

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