I really miss typing my blog on a daily basis. Google Classroom doesn't have that panache to me. Anyway, I will continue to post all of your assignments for the week in multiple locations so that all of you have a means of contact and finding the work. This week is all about Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights, and Literary Devices!
Seek out the lesson plans for phase 5 (we skipped phase 4 - maybe) and you shall see that you have a presentation on Miss Bronte and her real and imaginary worlds (definitely go through the links to other articles and charts - it's really cool, at least for a Bronte lover like me), a sign up sheet for our meeting this week that will feature analysis of 10 of her poems (might as well start recognizing patterns in her writing now), a completion/absentee form for verbal participation (like last week but with a little twist to make it unique for you and me), a close read prompt and mini writing assignment on the opening of WH (ah, Heathcliff), and a little fun with making up your own examples for common literary devices (AP Lang had a fairly entertaining time with a similar activity last week).
Hope all of you are doing well as we make our march to the AP test in May. Our "serious" work will involve only 2 essays. For those of you doing the math at home, we were supposed to have 7 essays this quarter (including 2 full practice tests - jeez I'm loving the parentheses today), but we only have 3 total (Frankenstein and 2 AP Classroom full essay prompts). Instead of overwhelming you with essay after essay, we'll stick with writing thesis statements and paragraphs here and there (such as this week a paragraph for the meeting and one for the WH prompt) to keep you in the mood of literary analysis.
I'm still extremely proud with everything you are doing online and in our meetings. The majority of you are putting in the effort and truly showing off all that you have learned in your educational career.
And if I ever catch up on checking digital portfolios and work for Lit and Lang, I'll finalize my shoe voting selections and make a voting form for all of you!
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