Thursday, August 25, 2016

Lucetta & EJ

As I have had little sleep the last two nights, I will make this a bullet list:

  • We added 4 new words to vocabulary, which means we will add the last 3 words of the unit tomorrow.
  • We close read, discusses, and created thesis statements regarding the characterization of Lucetta and Elizabeth Jane and their relationship. If you want to learn more about these ladies - or at least the context that leads to this conversation - read The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy. I love this novel -- it makes up for Jude the Obscure. Seriously, nicknaming your child Father Time is asking for trouble. Well, that was a small tangent.
  • We discussed the AP grading evaluation of 1-9 and how your essays will be evaluated. During tomorrow's class, we will have one-on-one conferences to discuss anything involving writing, "The Birthmark," and AP Literature-related. 
For class tomorrow, read up on Kate Chopin's biography and have a working knowledge of her background. I had a clever awakening pun for this moment in the blog and, sadly, it just escaped my brain. Alas...

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