Friday, October 14, 2016

Donne Time

All classes commenced with the vocab 4 quiz, which any absentees will need to make up next week. 

The remainder of our time concentrated on getting to know John Donne, the Metaphysical poet of conceits, songs, and sonnets. After identifying the persona of "The Indifferent," we spent quality time with the biographical pages in your packet. Donne, a man of passion and many children, vacillated from songs of relationship to sonnets of faith and death. 

For homework, you have been assigned one song and one sonnet to close read and prep for next class.

Absentees, I did not forget you...

Pam = A Lecture Upon the Shadow; III
Shai = The Paradox;  IV
Emma = The Good-Morrow; V
Sarah = Woman's Constancy, VI

Hanna = Woman's Constancy: VI
Noah = The Anniversary, X
Courtney = A Valediction Forbidding Mourning; XVII

And, it's been on the board all week...Book Card # 3 is due Monday.

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