Thursday, October 13, 2016


After spending time staring at the MLA 8th edition alterations, I know that my feelings towards it are from from "indifferent," the adjective Donne uses as the title of his poem.

To begin class, we looked at a sample Works Cited page and its format. I then met with each of you to answer questions regarding citations, Works Cited entries, introductions, unity, and anything else that would aid your final draft.

Your final draft deadline is 3:30 p.m. on Friday. This will be turned in as a hard copy. If you are at school for any part of the day, you still have this deadline. If you are absent for the entire day, then you will e-mail/share your final draft with me and bring in a hard copy on Monday.

Next, we reviewed vocabulary for your quiz tomorrow. As a preview for those of you checking out the blog, it will be a class & individual verbal quiz.

Then, we returned to the Petrarch packet, looking at two translations of the first poem and how the change of diction creates adjustments in tone, meaning, and mood.

As we transition into Donne, we will be adding persona to our literary terms emphasis. Persona is the character adopted by the speaker in a poem. For instance, our "Fama" poem by Petrarch features a "conservative reverend" persona, or at least that is how the second hour girls feel.

In the last moments, we started "The Indifferent," making it only through one stanza. We will resume there tomorrow, learn more about Donne, and interpret his Songs.

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