Wednesday, August 23, 2017

1 Character, 2 Characters

This will probably be a brief blog as I became quite chatty on AP Lang's summation today. I guess I could discuss my shoes or my favorite new shoe connection Mario, but I already did that during class.

So, what was the hodgepodge of Lit activities? First, we resumed our vocab work - we are currently at 12 words and making steady progress through the first unit. Then, six of you shared your Tom thesis statements and provided evidence. As we discussed, ways to improve your literary thesis statements and interpretation involve specific adjectives to describe the characters and incorporating literary devices to further analysis. In any circumstance, just make sure it answers the prompt! For the next third of class, we played card games (75% accuracy today) and you had a chance to work on your toolbox and your portfolio (have for Friday). In the post-lunch time frame, we started our next passage/prompt to the tune of 2 characters and their relationships with each other. As noted, we witness a differentiation and specificity of Lucetta and Elizabeth within the first page. For homework, finish your highlighting of the 2 characters, construct the thesis statement answering the prompt, and bullet point evidence to support your thesis.

P.S. I think I figured out the theme for our AP Lit party. Maybe. It's quite different from last year's celebration of Roald Dahl and all things candy.

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