Thursday, August 17, 2017

Euphonic Alliteration

You know it's going to be a strong year of analysis when both AP Lit classes jump on shifts in alliteration from the soft, euphonic "w" and "h" to the almost cacophonic "g" in stanza 2!

Today was card competition day, and 5th hour had the highest overall score with 80% accuracy. We will be working more with the cards - all year - so don't worry if you are not an expert on literary terms yet. These are the terms for the whole year, so it will take some time. I'm using "so" a great deal, which shows my summer brain diction is still in control.

To end class, we read "To Helen" by Mr. Poe, a lovely little multi-stanza journey into worshiping the best trophy in town! We still need to finish identifying literary elements in there (hint on stanzas, rhyme scheme, and apostrophe). We will also analyze the other version of Helen, which may not be as lovey dovey as the previous version. Make sure you read Dolittle's version for tomorrow's class.

P.S. Don't forget Vocab Experts starting tomorrow! Can't wait to hear this year's memory tricks!

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