Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Father, Mother, Sister, Friend

I believe I mentioned this in both classes, so forgive the redundancy: make sure to attend all classes these last 2 weeks before break unless you have a justifiable emergency. We are moving quickly through Frankenstein, and you will want to be here for all the in-depth observations, Romantic connections, and minutia that pops up regarding our characters.

We continue to move forward with the world of Victor Frankenstein as he tells us all about the influences of his life: his caring father, his flower-like mother, his angelic sister, and his poetic buddy. With each character, we see some qualities permeate Victor's soul as other qualities slip away with his jaunt to Ingolstadt. Today, we divided up into for teams, each one bearing the title of Father, Caroline, Elizabeth, and Clerval. You chatted with your teams and then mixed and match with the other character teams to finalize the impressions of these four characters. If absent, you will need to show your character chart for your individual character to attain participation points.

For homework, have observations a ready for Victor's character, thoughts, behaviors, random acts of reanimation from chapters 1-4. Then, continue forth by reading chapters 5-8. Each student will then have 2 pages of that text in which to perform a thorough close read, over-analysis that will be shared tomorrow. Elliott, you have pages 90-91; Kaylynn, you have pages 92-93.

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