Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The World According to Victor

Fifth hour, today you reviewed for your last vocab quiz of the class by playing last person standing, analyzed the Victor of chapters 1-4, a man searching to become the "creator" of his own version of mankind, a man still living in the denial of his mother's death, a man leaving behind his family for an obsessive directive to make an 8-foot human with yellow eyes (think Victor might like "The Yellow Wallpaper"?), a man who thinks, acts, and runs like a child in fright whenever life - or reanimation - does not go his way. We might pick on Victor a tad, but we sure have affection for our dear Elizabeth and our friend crush Clerval. We made it through over half of the individual close reads for chapters 5-8 and will continue forward on Friday. For readings, continue into chapters 9-14 as we move to our next narrator, our Creature - we shall pick a name for him next week.

Second hour, we finished our vocab today and then did all of the above too! Make sure to read 9-14 for tomorrow's class as you get to know our friendly neighborhood creature.

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