Monday, May 7, 2018

2 Days

Since lunches and after school have revolved around preparations for the AP Lit exam on Wednesday, I feel that I am ready for the test. Are you? At this point, you should have all your terms down, be able to break down poetry and prose prompts, and sculpt a free response with those critical lenses. All of this information will be part of our review lunch and 3 hour AP Lit cram on Tuesday, which would behoove all of you - taking the actual or alternative exam - and your comprehension of the skills needed for success on the last MC and writing prompts.

In class, our order is simple: MC, poetry prompt, prose prompt, free response prompt, toolbox cards, and buzzers for the ultimate in competitive knowledge.

I'm off to work with AP Lang and then our after school study session and then maybe make lists on the board of everything you should know at this point. That's going to take a while, and I hope it's worth it!

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