Thursday, May 3, 2018

The MC Results

I just finished grading the MC portion of the practice exam/final, and I know that many of you are curious to find out your score and, possibly, exceed my score of 51/55. While I will not be posting the grades on the blog, here is a little overview of how both classes did on this portion of the exam:

  • For the magical 50%, goal 1 of 28 questions, there were 27 of you that made it to this level or higher.
  • For the tremendous 60%, goal 2 of 33 questions, there were 23 of you that made it to to this level or higher.
  • For the phenomenal 70%, goal 3 of 39 questions, there were 16 of you that made it to this level or higher.
  • For the scintillating 2 on the exam, goal 4 of 43 questions, there were 11 of you that amassed this score: HS, KH, IB, CL, MR, HB, NS, JK, KF, CB, KM.
And as for the highest score? Well, that still belongs to me with 51, which means my average on both of our exams would be 51.5. Not too shabby. I hope the AP Lang test will be as favorable for me tomorrow!

We will be going over the MC and the prompts next week before the AP Lit exam. I can't wait to see how you score on those prompts!

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