Thursday, August 23, 2018

Not One but Two

We finished up our 15 vocab words today, which means the review will be tomorrow. If you happen to be passing a great deal in our circle, you may want to spend some quality time reviewing this latest addition to your vernacular.

In the characterization realm, we finished up our look at Tom, his socialization issues, and the literary elements that convey all the former components. So far, my favorite thesis is "Fitzgerald characterizes Tom as an insecure and inflammatory man who projects his egotistical characteristics onto his relationships, creating distrust through uncomfortable imagery, curt telegraphic sentences, and juxtaposing diction. Thanks K & H!

After that passage, one character analysis seems way too simplistic. So, why not two? Hence, we have met Lucetta and Elizabeth Jane (fourth hour figured out another connection between them, so we shall see how seventh hour fares). For homework, finish close reading - with your 2 highlighters - the saga of these two women in a very small town.

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