Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The World of Tom

I'm trying to type this in between Scholar Quiz lunches, so hopefully this will end up making some sense.

To begin our first block day, we worked with 5 rounds of the cards, which resulted in varying levels of success for the hours. Then, you had a bit of time to work on your toolbox, which may come into use very shortly when we begin our first unit on Chopin and eventually have some pop literary toolbox quizzes. While the poetry terms may not be mandatory at this point, the prose and basic literary terms are givens at this point in the semester as we break down characterization and other qualities in prose works, such as our "darling" Tom and his fellow Jazz Age denizens. While each hour is in a different spot with Tom's characterization, we will be finishing up the thesis statements and discussing the categorization of his character tomorrow.

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