Monday, October 8, 2018

Fourth Hour Acting Awards

Well, fourth hour definitely started off the dramatic interpretations of Grendel with creativity, props, and inadvertently bringing a principal into the concluding scene. Awards-wise, we have to celebrate the best usage of props by Morgan & Bailey. Who knew a sweet-looking goat had so much paper confetti bursting from its confines? And, how heartbreaking to see it torn in half as Grendel finishes his rock-throwing contest. For most dramatic acting in a scene, we have Alaina and Rachel's Beowulf and Grendel showdown involving a lot of sword play and screaming in utter sadness and abandonment. And, the winner for most creative skit, the one with props, acting ability, and flinging of doors into unsuspecting hallway dwellers, would be Sierra and Caleb. Taking a creative approach, they strayed from the given text and, instead, brought the ideas of miscommunication, hero-worship, and apple-throwing in creative dialogue and diction (Dude) and physical action. Kudos to you all!

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