Monday, October 1, 2018

The Wife

2: After finishing up our Gilgamesh groups, we identified what Anglo-Saxon qualities are found in the text. Then, we had our Vocab Quiz 3, which will then commence our moratorium from vocab to wrap up our Anglo-Saxon texts. Following the quiz, we had Iliad groups to analyze those epic similes, character decisions, heroic actions, and tones. For reading, you have The Wife's Lament and Grendel Chapters 1-4 for next class.

4: We covered the analysis of The Wife's Lament and Grendel chapters 1-4 today. That means Grendel 5-7 for next time.

7: We wrapped up that egotistical Gilgamesh's quest with our group discussion, which focused on Enkidu, Humbaba, epic similes, and overall motifs and Anglo-Saxon ideologies. Continuing through Anglo-Saxon literature (or at least popular tales that would find their way to the British shores), we looked at The Iliad and its similes, character choices, gods and goddesses, and tones. We will work with The Wife's Lament tomorrow. In the meanwhile, you now have Grendel in your possession, and you have chapters 1-4 to prep for class.

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